Tuesday, 26 July 2011


Charley Peters, Paroxysm (detail) (2011), Ink on Paper

Work continues on the Paroxysm series, developing the initial sketches into larger pieces of work (70cm x 100 cm) that explore repetitively drawn lines of different weights and trajectories.

Charley Peters, from the Paroxysm series (2011), Ink on Paper

Sketches: Rupture

Charley Peters, Sketch for Rupture series, Ink on Paper (2011)

Early sketches for a new series of works provisionally titled Rupture, where intersecting coloured lines collide within a drawing.

Charley Peters, Sketches for Rupture series, Ink on Paper (2011)

Sketches: Slice Visual Essay

Charley Peters, Sketches for Slice (2011), Ink on Paper

Over the next two weeks I am continuing to work on a series of drawings that will be part of a visual essay in the publication that accompanies the Slice project that TBC Artists' Collective have been involved in. The latest sketches towards developing work for the publication are a response to the shifting virtual lines suggested by the red elastic stretched between TBC members during their 'drawing in space' in Catherine Wheel Alley.

The Slice website documenting all works created for the project by artists in London and Lahore will be live on Friday, after a launch event at the Ideas Store, Whitechapel on Thursday evening.

Sketches: Opposing Lines

Charley Peters, Untitled Sketch (2011), Ink on Paper

Some early developmental sketches exploring compositions of opposing lines. The lines are set on a deconstructed grid, where the proximity of the lines suggests movement, depth and perspective within the picture plane.

Charley Peters, Untitled Sketches (2011), Ink on Paper

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Project News: 'Slice' Visual Essay, a collaboration with Beverley Bennett

Charley Peters, Sketches for Slice (2011), Pencil Crayon on Paper

I am currently collaborating with artist Beverley Bennett to produce a visual essay as part of the publication associated with the international Slice project, featuring artists from London and Lahore. During a studio session this week we generated a series of drawings in response to the performative 'drawing in space' produced by TBC Artists' Collective in Catherine Wheel Alley, London. The works produced this week in the studio will be developed over the forthcoming weeks and published in September to coincide with the opening of the Slice exhibition at Rich Mix, London.

Project News: Altered States on TBC Online Project Space

Charley Peters, DS329-1/DS9-5 (2011), Hazard Tape on Canvas

“A revolutionary action within culture cannot have as its aim to be the expression or analysis of life; it must aim at life’s expansion. Misery must be pushed back everywhere.”
Guy Debord

Available on TBC Artists' Collective's online project space is Issue 8 of 12-Pages, a publication of contemporary drawing. July's issue, Altered States, edited by TBC member Laura Davidson, asked contributors to consider art as a catalyst for change. It was important that these ideas were considered in the widest possible sense, to bring a sense of plurality to a changed state. As we know too well, the drive for a reformed state in Europe post WW1 lead to in Germany, Italy and Spain the spectre of Fascism and in the East of Europe the steel face of Communism. Such extremes of belief today seem less significant in the age of Web 2.0, where multiple states of exchange between individuals can seemingly co-exist. As 12-pages’ editorial remit is to create a discourse around contemporary drawing practice and its definition, the featured outcomes additionally challenge the ‘drawing’ in some way.

For Altered States, I submitted the work DS329-1/DS9-5, a drawing made by stretching hazard warning tape over a canvas. The title refers to the pantone references of the yellow and black of the tape, colours synonymous with danger, emergency or violent criminal activity. Altered States editor Laura Davidson wrote about the work, 'Removed from its original signifying concept the tape has been used to make marks, instead of warning of imminent danger. This removal of signifier through drawing practice gives an engaged process based response.'

Altered States can be seen at: http://www.12-pages.com/2011/07/altered-states.html

Sketches: Praxis

Charley Peters, Praxis (2011), Ink on Paper
Above are recent studio developments of the ongoing Praxis series of systematic drawings, in which successive ink lines are interrupted by masking off areas of the picture plane. The subtle overlapping of the drawn areas produces 'bleeding' between the series of lines and visual movement within the works.

New online profile at The Drawing Center, New York

I have a new portfolio and profile on The Drawing Center, New York as part of their juried Viewing Program artist registry. Click here to see more...

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Project News: Altered States (Coming Soon)

Coming soon on TBC Artists' Collective's online project space is Altered States, a publication featuring newly commissioned work from a range of international artists. Altered States will be edited by TBC member Laura Davidson and will be available on 12-pages.com later this month.